
Observing the renewable energy transition from a European perspective

Archive for the month “February, 2022”

Filling Degree Dutch Gas Reserves

The Netherlands will make it through the already mild winter.
The challenge will be to refill storage capacity for next winter.

Getting Rid of Russian Gas?

How to replace 6 billion m3 natural gas/year imported from Russia to the Netherlands?


– 2300 extra onshore 4 MW turbines
– 6.5 GW new offshore wind
– 125 km2 new solar parks

Not realistic in the short or midterm.

Don’t be so stupid to push Russia out of SWIFT, hope that the Russians are quickly done with the least possible bloodshed, so that Ukraine won’t be incorporated into the US empire (like Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria failed before) and return to business as usual. And begin to prepare to cancel NATO.

Currently, 40% of the gas that is consumed in the Netherlands comes from Russia:

[] – 38 procent van de Nederlanders voor extra Gronings gas, volgens Jetten laatste redmiddel

In 60 years time, the Netherlands consumed 80% of total gas reserves; market worth 417 billion euro. The remaining 20% can be exploited, but comes with cost related to earthquakes and damage to real estate.

NL Gasverbruik per Sector 2020

NL gasverbruik per sector. Belangrijkste is elektriciteit. Weliswaar groeien wind en zon snel, maar kolen moet terug, terwijl de eigen gasproductie snel daalt. Verder zit Gate LNG al vol, levert NO al maximaal en is gasinzet kunstmest al beperkt. Onze opties?

[] – Martien Visser

Algae – Natures Answer to Fossil Fuels and Plastics

YouTube text:

Algae has been used by humans for thousands of years, but the idea of using algae as a secret weapon to combat climate change is definitely a modern day concept. The more scientists delve into the biology of algae, the more species they find and the more they discover just how incredibly versatile this primordial organism really is.

Dutch Large Scale Energy Storage Options

White paper produced by TNO in English. Explores the options The Netherlands has for large-scale seasonal storage.


    1. Analysis of the role of large-scale storage in the future energy system: what will be the demand for largescale storage, when in time will it arise, and where geographically in our energy system will it be needed?
    2. Techno-economic modelling (performance, cost, economics) of large-scale energy storage systems,focusing on CAES and UHS in salt caverns, and UHS in depleted gasfields – analogous to UGS (Underground
    natural Gas Storage).
    3. Assessment of the current policy and regulatory frameworks and how they limit or support the deployment of large-scale energy storage, and stakeholder perception regarding energy storage.
    4. Risk identification and screening for the selected large-scale subsurface energy storage technologies.

[] – download link, pdf 40p, English
[nptprocestechnologie] – Large-scale energy storage in salt caverns and depleted fields (Dutch summary)

Do We Really Need Electric Cars?

YouTube text:

The truth about biofuels. Electric cars are off to a strong start when it comes to getting renewable energy out on the road. Still, not everyone is sold yet, which is why electric vehicles are facing a familiar-looking contender: synthetic fuel and biofuel. Companies like Porsche and BMW are investing a lot of money into biofuels. With synthetic and biofuels, it might be possible to make your existing gasoline car carbon neutral… but will it actually work?

Modular Homes

YouTube text:

Exploring Modular Homes – Cheapest Path to Net Zero? Owning a home is an important life milestone for a lot of people, but the ever increasing cost of construction materials and affordable housing is a major roadblock. And on top of that, traditional construction methods and materials cause a surprising amount of gas emissions and waste. But there are some really cool trends around more sustainable building practices that may change that … if you can get past some preconceived notions that pop into your head when you hear, “modular homes.” Can modular homes keep the dream of home ownership alive, as well as make a positive impact on the environment?

Het Zinkende Land

Dutch documentary about soil subsidence

Everybody is worried about sea level rise, but in parts of the Netherlands, the soil is subsiding at an even faster rate. The Netherlands is attacked from two sides.

YouTube text:

De documentaire ‘Het zinkende land’ belicht de gevolgen van de dalende veenbodem in grote delen van West- en Noord-Nederland. Daarnaast is te zien hoe bewoners, bedrijven en overheden aan oplossingen werken.

De bodem in het veenweidegebied van groten delen van West- en Noord-Nederland daalt in rap tempo. Stad en land op veengrond zakken langzaam weg, in een hoger tempo dan de zeespiegel stijgt. Dat heeft gevolgen voor de bewoners en gebruikers én voor de overheden die hiermee te maken hebben. Als er nu niks gedaan wordt tegen het vertragen van de bodemdaling, kunnen maatschappelijke kosten oplopen tot ruim 20 miljard in 2050 en gaat een typisch Nederlands cultuurlandschap langzaam ten onder.

Combining Solar, Wind and Wave Power

Solar, wind and wave power from a single offshore platform? That’s the holy grail of renewable energy, and one that has not yet been achieved at commercial scale. All of that may be about to change though, as a German company called Sinn Power goes to market with their hybrid solar, wind and wave offshore platform design.

[] – Company site
[YouTube] – Sinn Power video channel

Installing an Onshore Windturbine

[] – Los Ausines

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