
Observing the renewable energy transition from a European perspective

Archive for the category “trade”

Realtime Data

This post is going to be used to collect sources of real-time online data of interest to this blog. This blogpost will be updated regularly.

Goldprice in euro
Exchange rates (dollar-euro default)

Real-time oilprices
eex (European Energy Exchange, trading in electric energy, natural gas, CO2 emission allowances and coal)
Prices for Dutch electricity

BHP Biliton largest mining firm

Even after the merger between Glencore und Xstrata, BHP Biliton remains the world’s largest mining firm. Iron ore is a major source for profit (38,5 billion $).

[Financial Times Deutschland][In German]

[BHP Biliton Wikipedia]

Glencore and Xstrata merger

According the German Magazine der Spiegel a merger is underway between Swiss based and the world’s largest commodities trader Glencore and mining company Xstrata, also Swiss based.

[Der Spiegel]
Read more…

UAE abandoning US$ in China trade

[UAE Palm Island][source]
The US dollar is fast losing out its reserve currency status with China aggressively replacing the dollar with the Yuan as a currency for bi-lateral trade. The latest is an agreement signed between the China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which will use the Yuan for oil trade.


The (End of the) Petrodollar System

To explain this situation [rise of the petrodollar] properly, we have to start in 1973. That’s when President Nixon asked King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars as payment for oil and to invest any excess profits in US Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. In exchange, Nixon pledged to protect Saudi Arabian oil fields from the Soviet Union and other interested nations, such as Iran and Iraq.

2012 might end up being most famous as the year in which the world defected from the US dollar as the global currency of choice.


According to this video, that goes hand in hand with the previous article, the dollar will collapse when the petro-dollar system will collapse. Likely 2012 or a little later.

Discussion of the merits of this video in this [forum thread].

Russian Energy Geopolitics

[Click to enlarge]

Moscow’s High Stakes Energy Geopolitics (summary) – by F. William Engdahl

Through the new North Stream and South Stream pipeline systems, Russia is clearly redrawing the energy map of Europe… energy is the lever for Russia’s return to the world stage and for checkmating Washington’s NATO encirclement strategy… On November 7 the first of two pipelines for Nord Stream, the huge Russian-German gas pipeline project, began delivery of gas. A 1224 km pipeline delivers gas from the Siberian Yuzhno-Russkoye field to Lubmin/Germany. Total cost: more than 12 billion $. After completion of the second pipeline by the end of 2012, 55 billion cubic meters of Russian gas a year, almost ten percent the entire EU annual gas consumption, or roughly one third the entire current gas consumption of China. The EU is going for natural gas energy big time and Moscow intends to be a major, if not the major beneficiary of that push. Nord Stream will deliver to Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and the Czech Republic. Read more…

Iranian oil exports first half of 2011

These are the countries Iran was selling its oil to during the first half of 2011, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.


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