
Observing the renewable energy transition from a European perspective

Energy Generation and Birds


Professional environmental justice warriors like to accuse wind turbines of being bird meat choppers. Yesterday night on German television our favorite Krimi (detective) Tatort, showing a battle between a wind turbine manufacturer and bird protectors. Der Spiegel evaluates the program and refers to a Danish study with the following result:

Number of birds killed per GWh generated electric energy:

Wind – 0.27
Fossil – 5.18

Case closed.

P.S. why is it so difficult to mount a few low energy led lights in/on the rotor blades, so the birds are warned, especially in offshore operation?

[] – The avian benefits of wind energy: A 2009 update
[] – “Tatort”-Faktencheck: Kungeln Naturschützer wirklich mit der Industrie?

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