
Observing the renewable energy transition from a European perspective

Dutch Post-War Electricity Production


Studying this graph could give cause to a somewhat relaxed attitude regarding doom stories related to a so-called “energy crisis”. The kicker: in 1945 there was hardly any electricity production in the Netherlands worth mentioning. If you project the current level of “decentral” generated electricity (wind, solar, bio, hydro, etc. and fossil based electricity and heat production by private parties other than power stations) onto the past, you arrive at 1970. Life was already pretty good in those days. There is no reason to assume that society would break down if for some reason electricity production would be reduced substantially.


Not to give the impression that “decentral” is the same as “renewable” (dark blue). It isn’t and there is no reason to be complacent. But once these offshore wind GWs are installed after 2030 there is no reason to despair with the Dutch energy situation as far as electricity is concerned. Space heating is a different story. Solution approach: seasonal storage of solar heat and most of all geothermal.


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