
Observing the renewable energy transition from a European perspective

Dennis Meadows

Dennis Meadows in 1972 was a prominent member of the Club of Rome. On March 1, 2012 a symposium celebrated 40 years of ‘Limits to Growth‘, one of the most influential environmental studies of the 20th century. Meadows no longer believes in sustainable development, it is too late for that. Meadows currently holds that collapse is now all but inevitable, but that its actual form will be too complex for any model to predict. “Collapse will not be driven by a single, identifiable cause simultaneously acting in all countries,” he observes. “It will come through a self-reinforcing complex of issues”—including climate change, resource constraints and socioeconomic inequality… As scarcities mount and inequality increases, revolutions and socioeconomic movements like the Arab Spring or Occupy Wall Street will become more widespread—as will their repression. [source].

[] – “There is nothing we can do” – Meadows

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