
Observing the renewable energy transition from a European perspective

Archive for the month “May, 2015”

Dutch Volcano To Produce Geothermal Energy

Artist impression of non-existing above-ground Dutch volcano.

Until recently the Dutch public was not aware of the fact that The Netherlands harbored a true volcano on it’s territory, or rather under its territory, at a depth of 2 km, which explains this seemingly remarkable geographical ignorance.

This could change though as plans have emerged to use geothermal energy from the volcano, at a temperature of 140 degrees Celcius, 30 dgrees more than usual at those depths, to provide energy for the nearby island of Terschelling.

According to the plan, Terschelling is to become independent of gas and electricity from the mainland by 2020.

zuidwalvulkaan[source] Location Zuidwal-volcano

[] – Geothermie Terschelling

Google Earth Global Power Station Overview

Screen shot free Google Earth desktop application with Delft University kml file loaded

For this rich information source you need to have Google Earth installed on your computer or get it from here:

[Google Earth Download] – no need to install the Pro version.

Next download the kml file, containing location and other information of power plants from all over the world, from this link…


… and open the kml file in Google Earth with File/Open.

Winners & Losers Oil Price Collapse


The data explains why Europe is booming right now.

But this picture could change radically soon, with the rapidly approaching of peak oil in 2015-2016.

Potential For Large Decrease CO2 Emission in Germany

braunkohl[source] Braunkohlekraftwerk Niederaußem des Energieversorgers RWE. dpa

Energy consultant Energy Brainpool has conducted a study, paid by Greenpeace, showing that it is possible to immediately switch off no less than 36 lignite fueled power stations (15 GW) with hardly any consequences at all, other than saving 70 million ton CO2/year. Cleaner electricity could be bought elsewhere in Europe and electricity prices would merely increase with 0.6 cent/kWh (24 euro/household/year). The study does recommend to keep a number of these power stations in a ‘strategic reserve’, so they can be switched on again in case of a supply bottleneck.

[] – 36 Kohlemeiler könnten auf einen Schlag vom Netz

[source] Braunkohlekraftwerk Niederaußem near Cologne

Top Ten Gas Reserves



Islamic State Has Baiji Oil Refinery Surrounded
Two weeks ago, Iraqi forces reported the conquest of the largest oil refinery in Iraq. Now it seems as if it could fall back again the IS forces.

[] – Islamic State Attacks Iraq’s Biggest Oil Refinery With Suicide Bombers and Car Bombs

Now You’re Talking: Tesla Storage for $350/kWh

teslaTesla storage home wall (sort of king-size Apple computer mouse; we reluctantly picked a photo with a car to give you an idea of the size)

Tesla’s selling price to installers is $3500 for 10kWh and $3000 for 7kWh. (Price excludes inverter and installation.) Deliveries begin in late Summer.

[] – The killer feature of Tesla’s Powerwall is the price
[] – Tesla’s Home Battery Offering In Context
[] – Energy Storage for a Sustainable Home
[] – Batterie für Selbstversorger

Energy equivalent is one liter gasoline

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